How it works

1. Have a browse
We are an unpackaged refillery, so you can buy most of our products on a pay-by-weight basis. Browse our website or pop in to see our full range.

2. Make your list
Bring your shopping list. One of our friendly refill assistants will help you —we can refill on the spot, or you can leave your list with us and come back to collect your shopping later.

3. Bring your containers
Bring your own containers, take a jar from our donation point or use a paper bag. We aren’t fussy! We just love saving waste from going to landfill.

4. Tare it off
We start by measuring the ‘tare’ weight of the container. This means we can fill any size, shape or material of container—even if it’s already half full.

5. Fill it up!
Then we fill. We can fill a container right up, or measure out a specific quantity—like 100g. The smallest quantity we sell is 1g, so you only buy exactly what you need.

6. Weigh it
Finally we weigh the filled container and cost up your purchase, returning your filled jars to you.